Fair Delivery Charges campaign

Fair Delivery Charges campaign runs from April 2020 – March 2021. Consumers in many parts of Scotland face extra charges from parcel companies based on their address. Often these seem excessive or incommensurate with the cost of delivery. Sometimes consumers are refused delivery altogether because of their postcode.
This campaign aims to raise awareness of unfair parcel surcharging in Scotland and work with local communities to create local solutions. Bureaux who have received funding for this project are able to undertake campaigning in a timeframe that works best for their local community.
Fair Delivery Charges
Research commissioned by CAS has found that this problem affects up to 1 million consumers in Scotland. It is most pronounced in the Scottish Highlands (Perthshire, Aberdeenshire, Argyll and Bute, the North-West Highlands) and the Scottish Islands. We have found that charges for parcel delivery to these areas are at least 30% higher on average than for other areas of mainland Britain, while those living on Scottish islands are asked to pay 50% more.