Long Serving CAB Adviser Retires

The retiral of one of the longest ever serving Caithness CAB Advisers was marked on Wednesday, 26/04/17, in the Pentland Hotel, Thurso, when staff and volunteers gathered to say farewell to Lyall Crowe who has been with CAB since August 1997.
Lyall specialised in employment cases and during his time with CAB he helped hundreds of people with work issues. Between 2009 and 2016 alone he saw 331 clients and recorded an astonishing £1,311,863 in awards and payments due to clients from employers. Lyall was a seafarer and he was known to entertain staff with his tales of his life afloat (and sometimes aground) and it would be fair to say that he applied the principles of steering a ship to the way he did his job – he kept a steady hand on the rudder and he helped many clients to navigate hazardous reefs and shoals into clear waters.
A collection had raised a substantial sum and Jill Smith, Manager, presented Lyall with a Laptop Computer and Printer along with a picture of his favourite ship. Lyall will be greatly missed and all of his colleagues and clients wish him well in his well-deserved retirement